L48A1 Mast Section Attention to the basic pouring of the tower crane, Technical requirements for the basic pouring of the tower crane


The bearing capacity of the base foundation of Tower lifting shall not be lower than the ground endurance value specified in the technical requirements of Tower foundation diagram.
2, the base pouring position of the tower crane should be considered to facilitate the installation and disassembly of the tower crane, avoiding all kinds of major obstacles.

L48A1 Mast Section

3, the slope of the water plane composed of the four fixed towers is not more than 1/1000.
4, the tower hanging foundation must not have displacement, the foundation must not have landslides. Drainage measures shall be taken around the foundation, and no water accumulation shall be allowed. Ground piles shall be laid in accordance with regulations.
The foundation pouring of tower crane should avoid backfill soil as far as possible. If it has to be adopted, effective measures should be taken to make the foundation bearing capacity meet the stipulated requirements.
When the foundation of the tower is poured on the basis, the bottom of the foundation should generally be flat or slightly lower than the foundation pit. The soil quality and ground endurance of the foundation should be known in advance. If there are dark rivers, flowing sand and sludge around the foundation foundation, effective measures should be taken to make the foundation bearing capacity meet the prescribed requirements.

L48A1 Mast Section

If the foundation of the tower crane is poured on the edge of the foundation pit, the foundation pit enclosure system or the underground continuous wall of the foundation pit, effective measures shall be taken to strengthen the enclosure around the foundation and prevent the uneven settlement of the foundation, so as to ensure that the foundation does not collapse, shift or tilt.
When the foundation of the tower is poured on a natural foundation far from the foundation pit, the ground endurance of the foundation should meet the requirements of the regulations, and the foundation should be compacted after proper excavation.

L48A1 Mast Section

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